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2020年11月10日 01:12 稿件来源:菲律賓商報   【字体:↑大 ↓小

菲律濱華僑善舉總會名譽董事長兼行政總理菲律濱中華總商會永遠名譽會長李逢梧博士曾預測,自競選期間開始以來,現任美國總統唐納德·約翰·特朗普(Donald John Trump)將輸掉此次總統之戰。


因此,最大的問題是,在最近的選舉中,現任總統唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)為什麼輸掉了當選總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)的總統之戰?

以下是現任總統唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的失誤造成了他的失敗:


其次,現任總統唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)任期內的另一個緊迫問題是明尼蘇達州明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)的警察和其他經歷種族歧視的黑人非洲裔美國人殺害了黑人非洲裔美國人喬治·弗洛伊德(Rayshard Brooks),丹尼爾·普魯德(Daniel Prude),布雷娜·泰勒(Breonna Taylor)和Atatiana傑斐遜,斯蒂芬·克拉克(JeffhonStephon Clark)以及其他在他任期內被殺害的人,成為黑人與白人之間的種族問題,並導致非裔美國人向唐納德·特朗普總統的政府發火。因此,毫無疑問,它引起了同一種族的仇恨。美國人對弗洛伊德先生和其他非裔人士的情況表示同情。



最後,為什麼當選總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)在這場戰鬥中取得了勝利?這是因為他足夠明智地選擇了前參議員卡瑪拉·哈裡斯(Kamala Harris),他是牙買加父親的後裔女兒,印度母親是有色人種,而在她擔任參議員和前檢察官的辦公室裡出色的表現,來擔任美利堅合眾國副總統。儘管她是擔任美國第二高職位的第一位女性和第一位黑人女性,但她也有成為未來總統的優勢。拜登(Joe Biden)認為,這位婦女將幫助他建立一個由民主統治的國家,這有助於贏得美國黑人婦女的選票和信任,並導致他擊敗了現任總統唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)

我相信這些因素加在一起,在最近的2020年總統選舉中喬·拜登(Joe Biden)贏過現任總統唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump),當選總統的勝利。

Personal opinion of Dr. James G. Dy, in U.S Presidential Election 2020.

Dr. James G. Dy, President of PCCAI and Chairman Emeritus of FCGCCI had predicted that incumbent President Donald John Trump will lose the battle of Presidency since the campaign period has started。

In history, the original inhabitant of America are the Indians and as time passes and war begun, nowAmerica is considered a melting pot for it has different kinds of races and now considered as an American citizen.  A big portion of it race are the African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Latino Amerikano, European Americans, and another big portion of it are the Asian Americans and many other races who comes from different parts of the world who are now called an American Citizen。

So, the big question is why did incumbent President Donald Trump lose the battleof presidency overPresident-Elect Joe Biden during the recent election?

Here are the some lapses of incumbentPresident Donald Trump that contributed to his defeat:

·       First of all, the biggest issue of the Corona Virus pandemic which affected the world, and has over 9Million confirmed cases in the United States of America with over 233,000 deaths. On this scenario, he neglected the health hazards that the pandemic has brought in the Citizens of America by not controlling the virus from spreading. As the President of the United States of America he should have implemented strict rules on how to prevent citizens of America from acquiring the virus and should have instructed the peopleto protect themselves from the unseen enemyby wearing a mask or a face shield and help the health workers in controlling the spread of the virus by making a policy that is strictly implemented and governed by law. Hence, neglecting the health of the American citizens。

·       Second,another pressing issue during the term of incumbentPresident Donald Trump is the killing of Black African American George Floyd by the Police Officer at Minneapolis, Minnesota and other black African Americans who experienced racial injustices including Rayshard Brooks, Daniel Prude, Breonna Taylor, Atatiana Jefferson, Stephon Clark, and others who were killed during his termthat became a racial issue between the black and white American and has led the African Americans to vent a rage to President Donald Trump’s administration. So definitely, it created hatred from the same race and Mr.Floyd and other African Americans got the sympathy over the situation。

·       Third, He created unfriendly relations to Asian countries especially to China with regards to trade industry. And because of this, the trade war between America and China that was meant to be resolved during his term has significantly affected the American economy。

·       Fourth,as soon as he was elected in 2016 he is persistent forthe closure of border between U.S and Mexico to stop the entry of Mexican immigrants using the borders it is because America has a lot of Mexican Americans in the states。

·       Lastly, why did President-Elect Joe Biden have been victorious in this battle? It is because he is wise enough to choose former Senator Kamala Harris, the descendant daughter of a Jamaican father and Indian Mother, a Woman of color, andwho is brilliant in her office as a Senator and former prosecutor, as the Vice President of the United States of America. Though she is the first woman and first black woman to assume the U.S second-highest office she also has the edge of becoming the future President. Biden believed that this Woman will help him build a nation governed by a democracy and that contributed in gaining the votes and trust of black American Women and led to his winning over incumbent President Donald Trump。

I believe that these factors had added up to the victory of President-Elect Joseph R. Biden, Jr. over incumbent President Donald John Trump in this recent Presidential Election 2020.
