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2021年04月20日 10:03 稿件来源:中国新闻网   【字体:↑大 ↓小




  用户在Redbubble网站输入“I am not Chinese”的关键词搜索,就会跳出诸如“Yes, I am Asian. No, I am not Chinese.”等字样的180多个搜索相关结果。


  这并非Redbubble网站首次售卖含有暴力口号的产品。 据媒体报道,Redbubble 2011年就曾因发行印制“文青希特勒”(Hipster Hitler)图片的衬衫遭到澳大利亚犹太社区的抵制。





  具有亚裔血统的德国专家Kimiko Suda 今年3月底在接受媒体采访时说,一个种族主义者才不管你从哪里来,你长着亚洲人的模样,他们就会对你动手。


  美籍韩裔作家Euny Hong 2020年5月在《纽约时报》 网站上发表评论文章中曾写道,遇到种族歧视时,无论歧视对象是谁,我们应该本能地愤怒而不是撇清自己。

  'I'm not Chinese' T-shirts fuel racial hatred

  By Xin Haiguan

  (ECNS)--With massive protests against Anti-Asian hatred in full swing, people are calling out Redbubble, a Melbourne-based print-on-demand fashion and art company, for promoting products exclusive of Chinese。

  Entering "I am not Chinese" into its search box yields 187 results with a variety of slogans, including "Yes, I am Asian. No, I am not Chinese."

  While "Stop Asian Hate" is an on-going wave against discrimination, "Yes, I am Asian. No, I am not Chinese" is suspected of sowing exclusion and discord。

  It is not the first time Redbubble has created violent or vulgar slogans. It sold "Hipster Hitler" T-shirts in 2011 and was soon boycotted by the Australian Jewish community。

  Similar T-shirts with slogans like "I'm from Japan, not China" or "I'm from Korea, not China" were also sold on Amazon, though they were soon removed after complaints。

  These slogans have obvious connotations. They are isolating Chinese-Americans in a time when it is imperative for all Asian-Americans to stand together。

  "Yes, I am Asian. No, I am not Chinese" also puts double pressure on Chinese Americans amid increasing cases of anti-Asian hatred. Chinese-Americans must tolerate discrimination from white supremacy as well as exclusion from Asian ethnic groups。

  When the world calls for zero tolerance of racism and anti-Asian hatred, provoking dissension among Asians only peddles discrimination and fuels racial hatred。

  A racist won't care where someone comes from and will attack anyone who looks Asian, said German Sinologist Kimiko Suda in March。

  When the fire of hatred spreads, nobody will be spared, whether you are Korean-American or Japanese-American. In a hatred-fueled society, any innocent individual is likely to become a target。

  When confronted with racism toward anyone, our instinct should be indignation, not deflection, Korean-American writer Euny Hong wrote in The New York Times in 2020.
