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2023年12月18日 11:16 稿件来源:中国新闻网   【字体:↑大 ↓小


2023年12月18日 11:16

  2023年是共建“一带一路”倡议提出十周年,在接受中新网专访时,前德国联邦议院助理研究员庞哲(Patrick Sourek)表示,“一带一路”倡议通过海路、铁路、和高速公路,将40多亿人联结成命运共同体。该倡议得到中德两国在内的全球多国认同,是一项极为成功的倡议。


  As the BRI marks its 10th anniversary, Patrick Sourek, former assistant researcher at German Bundestag, noted in an exclusive interview with China News Network that the BRI is connecting 4 billion people by sea, by railway, and by motorway. It is a great success strongly perceived not only in China and Germany, but all over the world.

  In addition, Sourek mentioned that China is transforming into an innovative country and is a leading superpower in many areas. So for Germany, China is not only an important trading partner, but also a drive of innovation.
